Tuesday, February 21, 2006

ESY Predator Prey Simulations

Each class is examining predator-prey interactions using a variety of simulation methods. We first used coloured beads to model a habitat with mice and foxes. In the second simulation we used an on-line simulation available from arcytech that models a habitat with oaks, squirrels, and hawks. In the arcytech simulation one can control a variety of variables ranging from nutrients for trees to hawk reproductive rates.

Monday, February 20, 2006

ENS Update

In the past two weeks we have mapped microenvironments on the KES campus, investigated the effects of precipiation upon crane populations, and chronicled the ANWR debate in the United States. We are now beginning an experiment that will test geotrophic and phototrophic responses in plants.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Atmosphere Presentations and Peer Teaching

The students of the class prepared and presented the material for Topics 3.2 to 3.5, the Atmosphere and Human Impact. Presentations can be found at kesib.com's ESY pages.